Oden's Crew for SWERUS Expedition Leg 1
Ola Andersson – Crew Icebreaker Oden Ola Andersson, 2nd Mate

Ola has been working for five years as a deck officer. This is his sixth trip to the Arctic. Ola thinks that the Arctic environment is special and he is looking forward to sailing these waters again.
Per Blad – Crew Icebreaker Oden Per Blad, Repairman

Per has worked for thirteen years as a repairman and this is his eleventh time in the Arctic. He hopes that his "babies", the lab pumps, will operate without any problems all the way home.
Bo Cederberg – Crew Icebreaker Oden

Bo Cederberg, Head Chef

Bosse has been working for six years as a chef and this is his sixth trip to the Arctic. He thinks this trip is a bit different because of its length and that he will get to visit Alaska.

Daniel Ernhill – Crew Icebreaker Oden Daniel Ernhill, 2nd Engineer

Daniel has worked as a 2nd engineer for five years and this is his fourth trip to the Arctic. Northeast Passage is a bit special, but otherwise is "like any other day" by the machines.
Martin Hahne – Crew Icebreaker Oden

Martin Hahne, 2nd Engineer

Martin is an Oden Veteran. He has worked on this ship for 14 years and has been in the Arctic seven times. He thinks this expedition is a very well organized one. When the ship passes the Northeast Passage, he will have gone all around the northern basin.

Mats Hansson – Crew Icebreaker Oden

Mats Hansson, Boatswain

Mats has worked on the Oden for 14 years and has been in the Arctic for at least ten times before. He hopes to be ble to give the best possible conditions so that the research team can perform their work as planned. In particular with this trip is the Northeast Passage.

Markus Hillberg – Crew Icebreaker Oden Markus Hillberg, Chief Engineer

Markus has worked on Oden on and off during the past seven years. He has been in the Arctic four times before, but never in Barrow Alaska. Markus is use to this extreme environment and knows that all ship systems must work perfectly up here
Bjorn Hjelmér – Crew Icebreaker Oden Bjorn Hjelmér, 2nd Officer

This is Björn's  third year on Oden and his third time in the Arctic. He Likes to break the ice no matter where it is located, but to pass the Northeast Passage is of course a bit special.
Mattias Karlsson – Crew Icebreaker Oden Mattias Karlsson, Seaman

Mattias has worked on Oden for six years and this is his seventh trip to the Arctic. He thinks that what's special about this trip is that we'll pass the Northeast Passage, but otherwise it's a "day on the job."
Niklas Lindholm – Crew Icebreaker Oden Niklas Lindholm, Technician

Niklas has been working on a temporary basis on Oden for the last two years. This is his first trip to the Arctic. This expedition brings new experiences and the challenge is to solve the daily problems so that everything works smoothly. And of course he is excited about crossing the Northeast Passage.
Alexander Ludge, – Crew Icebreaker Oden Alexander Ludge, Boatswain (supervisor on deck at night)

Alex has worked on the Oden for five years and this is his fourth trip to the Arctic. He hopes that all systems will function well and that everybody comes home safe and sound. He also hopes to see more polar bears and looks forward to visit Barrow, Alaska.
Axel Meiton – Crew Icebreaker Oden Axel Meiton, Systems Engineer/Logistics

Axel has worked on Oden since 2006 and has been in the Arctic 7–8 times. He thinks that what is special about this trip is that the expedition goes over relatively shallow water and that means sampling at a high pace and for all systems to work properly.
Lena Meyer – Crew Icebreaker Oden Lena Meyer, Messman

Lena worked two years ago on Oden and is working on this trip as reinforcement in the mess. She has been in the Arctic three times. This trip is an adventure and Lena expects outdoor experiences both on the ice and in Alaska.
Göran Nyhlén – Crew Icebreaker Oden Göran Nyhlén, Electrician

This is Görans first year on Oden and has no previous experience in the Arctic. He looks forward to the outdoor experiences this trip will bring.
Christian Petersén – Crew Icebreaker Oden Christian Petersen, Motorman

Christian has worked on Oden for three years and has been two times in the Arctic. He looks forward to experience Alaska, but otherwise the trip is just routine.
Mattias Peterson – Crew Icebreaker Oden Mattias Peterson, Commander

Mattias has been on Oden for 14 years and has been in the Arctic waters many times. Being able to navigate and manoevre the ship to accomodate many sampling operations in open water is a challenge for him. What is special about this trip is the lack of a helicopter, which makes the planning of optimal sailing routes a bit more difficult.
Lise Rempling – Crew Icebreaker Oden Lise Rempling, Messman

Lise has been on Oden for four years and has been in the Arctic on three previous occasions. Lise wants everybody to enjoy the trip and have a good time. She looks forward to visit Alaska.
Ranjit Roy – Crew Icebreaker Oden Ranjit Roy, Chef

Has been on Oden since 2006 and in the Arctic 7–8 times before. He looks forward to see the Arctic wildlife and to see the research results.
Jörgen Rundqvist – Crew Icebreaker Oden Jörgen Rundqvist, 1st Engineer

Jörgen has been working on Oden for five years and this is his seventh trip to the Arctic. He hopes for a smooth trip and looks forward to experience Barrow and Alaska.
Mathias Stark – Crew Icebreaker Oden Mathias Stark, Motorman

Mathias has worked on Oden for seven years and this is his seventh trip to the Arctic, however, this is the first time on the Northeast Passage. He hopes that the ship will work without problems and that everybody will return home safely.
Mikael Strindin – Crew Icebreaker Oden Mikael Strindin, Seaman

This is Mikael's second year on Oden and his second trip to the Arctic. He hopes that this will be a safe "ride" and he hopes that this trip will give him more experience in the Arctic environment; and he wouldn't mind to see more polar bears!
Mathias Söderling – Crew Icebreaker Oden Mathias Soderling, Seaman

Mathias has worked on Oden for two years and this is his third time in the Arctic. This is Mathias's first major expedition with a lot of people on boar and many tasks to be carried out.
Mårten Thuresson – Crew Icebreaker Oden Mårten Thuresson, 2nd Mate

Mårten has been working on Oden since January 2014 and has no previous experience in the Arctic. He thinks, however, that these waters are interesting and he enjoys traveling with the Oden through the ice
Mats Wisén – Crew Icebreaker Oden Mats Wisén, 1st Mate

Mats has worked on Oden for eight years and this is his eighth time in the Arctic. This trip is special because it is longer than usual and we will pass the Northeast Passage. Mats says "Hi" to everyone back home.

Text and photo: Stefan Bratell, Polarforskningssekretariatet

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