SWERUS the movie |
Short reportage on Oden's return to Tromsö and what lies ahead for SWERUS-C3 scientists (in Swedish) |
Martin Jakobsson touches on a few scientific highlights from leg 2 of SWERUS-C3 |
Researchers at Stockholm University describe their work and life on board Oden during leg 1 |
Researchers at Stockholm University describe their work and life on board Oden during leg 1 |
Researchers at Stockholm University describe their work and life on board Oden during leg 1 |
Prof. Martin Jakobsson explains what’s in store for SWERUS-C3 leg 2
Chief scientist Martin Jakobsson about the rotation in Barrow, and the scientific questions for Swerus-C3 |
Retrieving goflo from aft deck |
Breaking ice (close-up) |
Brittle stars in sediment sample |
Multicorer back on deck |
CTD going into the water |
Multicorer penetrates seabed |
Breaking ice |
Chief scientist Örjan Gustafssn about the expectations for SWERUS-C3 leg 1 |
Multicorer hits bottom |
Methane bubbles |
With just hours before SWERUS-C3 kicks off, first-timers Emma Karlsson and Lisa Bröder are feeling excited. |
Professors Örjan Gustavsson and Martin Jakobsson explain the importance of the forthcoming SWERUS-C3 expedition |
Losskastning mot Arktis |