August 16
Now we are officially done with the station work. Well, in the end it turned out that the last station I was writing about in this blog was already our last station – so having the small sausage-celebration afterwards was probably a good idea. After that, we had headed to Herald Canyon for geophysical studies, and had planned to also have a large set of CTD stations for water sampling there, but the weather conditions didn’t allow any deployment. We kept trying at different places, but the swell was just too high, so we couldn’t risk putting anything over the reeling. Now we realized in a way how lucky we have been with the weather conditions all along – in respect to putting things into the water, even having multiple deployments simultaneously, and also just in respect to how stable the ship has been all the time. Before this cruise started, most of us were afraid of getting seasick, we have been exchanging stories and videos we have heard or seen from earlier expeditions, different kinds of medications against seasickness had been discussed and brought onboard... and in a way, we totally forgot about this issue – because it was always so stable in the ice. It never felt like being on a moving vessel at all, and all the boxes and pieces of equipment that we had strapped so carefully in the beginning of the expedition had started to become loose. Now it was a different story – still far away from any really dramatic movements or getting even a hint of seasickness, but still: The ship was rolling, swinging; you felt it when lying in your bed, when walking around on the deck and especially in the labs on the higher decks. We got careful again, strapped down our equipment, locked cupboards and didn’t leave computers unsecured on the tables. But this change was not the strangest thing – it was confusing to get out of the shift mode, know that some station action could basically happen any moment, but still it was unclear when. Our methane team had sample bottles prepared for the first station, labelled and ready to be filled, and decksheets ready for 12 stations. We expected a tough time once we got started and weren’t really sure how to prepare – should we sleep to be rested for the station? Should we use the time to get the necessary work on the data done? Maybe it makes sense to stay in a kind of shift mode so that someone is awake for the station, whenever it might be? In the end it was a bit of everything – we slept more than the last weeks, found time to relax, got a lot of work done... and also kind of stayed in the shift mode. Not really, as there was some meetings and discussions during daytime, and it was nice to see “the other half of the people” again, and also to get some “real food” again instead of the endless supply of sandwiches we had been mainly eating at night. On the other hand: we “night people” had been enjoying the quiet hours of working at night, the empty gym or sauna at these hours, the company of each other when meeting for the 3am “lunch”... and the sun. As I might have mentioned earlier, the local day time is now during UTC night – and since we’ve been having real nights for a few days now (even if the nights are still really short! 1–2 hours at most), it seems just wrong to be up during the day and to sleep when the sun comes up. After being unsuccessful with any deployments in Herald Canyon, we went back to the ice edge, to do some in-and-out-ice transects for the meteorologists – everyone on board should get some really good data from this cruise – while waiting for the weather to improve to potentially go back to the canyon. But in the end, we were not lucky, so yesterday the official end of station work was declared. Most people anyway have been shifting their attention in the meantime: to working on the data, performing calibrations for instruments and to writing the cruise report: a document where each workpackage summarizes what exactly has been done on the cruise: which samples were taken where, which analyses have been performed, which are planned in which timeframe – and also a description of our methods, both for us to remember and inform the other workpackages, and also as a help for future expeditions. It’s actually really good to have time to write this while still on the ship: the memories are still fresh, we are still in “effective working mode” without many distractions from the outside world, and it’s easy to take pictures of equipment or to check small things. And in the end, it’s the sum of many small things that make an expedition successful and efficient. Keeping the knowledge of these things for the “next generation” of expeditions instead of reinventing the wheel over and over again is very important given short work turnover times in a scientific environment. So, since yesterday there is officially no more stations, today all the bits and pieces for the cruise report are handed in and will be merged together by the two chief scientists and re-iterated with the workpackage leaders for the final version of the report. Now also the details of us leaving the ship are clear – it will happen in three days, on August 19th. The “rotation”, i.e. us leaving the ship and the new team of crew and scientists coming onboard for the next 45 days (“leg 2” of the expedition), will be done with a small boat going back and forth as the Oden can’t get into the harbor in Barrow. In total, the boat is going 4 times, and there is some logistic challenge about who will be on which boat – some people need to have time for knowledge transfer to their leg 2 follow-up group. For our methane group, this is not an issue: Two members of our team, Denis and Anatoly, are staying on board for the second leg and will continue a reduced sampling and analysis program.
by Julia Steinbach |