EMMA 20140706 06:30 UTC time

You know the feeling when you wake up in bed and try to figure out what time it is by looking out, and whether you should turn around and continue sleeping until your alarm goes off…?
Guess what! That does not work here. The sun is up all day. I have been to places in northern Sweden before where the sun does not set entirely and thought it really cool. But here – there is not even the
slightest chance to tell what time it is based on the amount of light.
It looks the same whether it is noon or midnight. It is awesome, (fortunately our cabins have curtains *smile*)
We have been blessed with good weather for the last two days. Bright sunshine and clear sky. A few of us sat on the helipad yesterday enjoying the magnificent views of the mountains on the Norwegian fjords and the last sightings of land for quite a while. I woke up today and my first thought was:
ah! Now the horizon stretches 360° around me. There is only water and sky.

I am also attempting some Russian phrases. Quite successfully I think *laugh*. It is a good thing that there are many Russian scientists here, so that I can use these phrases. I also asked someone to confirm whether these phrases mean what they are supposed to mean or if I am just too gullible :).

The first days were unstructured and there has been a feeling of not knowing what to do and that there is a lot to do at the same time. There were meetings to get things up and running. Also, muster drills, where people were gathered and were supposed to raise their hands when their name was called out loud. Then back to what they were doing before that. The confusion will soon settle I think.


by Emma Karlsson

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